The School for Recovery is an opportunity for both members and non-members to participate in classes that are designed to provide support, wisdom, and companions for the hard work of making healthier choices as we live with whatever it is we are recovering from. It offers a safe and comfortable atmosphere where new ideas and experiences will be introduced! This will help us to continue healing and discovering more about ourselves.
Advances Made Through Participation:
Taking classes gives people meaningful things to do with their time and gets them out of their heads
Offers them ways to build deeper relationships with people who are serious about recovery
Provides mentors who are committed to their healing and growth
Introduces them to new ideas and experiences that can take them on life-giving paths they’ve never imagined
And most importantly, the School for Recovery is about letting yourself get passionate about something and diving into it in creative, healing ways
Recovering the Artist Within
Through ‘Recovering the Artist Within’, with a shared focus on the healing powers of music, art, and creativity; our Members have learned the importance of expressing themselves through originative and healing practices, such as drawing, painting, sculpting, building, candle-making, vision boards, music, movement, and rhythmic drumming.