About Us
The founders of We Bloom worked with nonprofits in the US for several years before they started a 2-year adventure in Vietnam – an adventure that called them to leave their jobs and volunteer for a budding drowning prevention program (Swim for Life, Golden West) in the central part of the country in Quang Binh Province. Here they experienced first-hand the power and impact of partnership and mutual learning. Co-creating the program reinforced the understanding that communities simply need the resources and opportunity to address barriers in their own unique and perfect way. They soon recognized a passion for the larger work of developing and supporting leadership structure, national policy, key stakeholder groups and collaboration, which led them to start We Bloom.
November 8th, 2018
Our first-ever community forum! Thrilled to begin our collective journey of exploring needs and models to support long-term recovery in Indy. Thank you to all community providers for joining We Bloom in our first forum! Here we go!! |
November 18th, 2018 Inaugural Founders Circle Roundtable! Thank you to our Inaugural Founders Circle - celebrating a great year and aspiring for more healing and change in 2019!!!
Fall 2018 Important Conversations & Making Connections Grateful for rich, honest, inspiring conversation. Super excited for our growing partnerships!
April 15th & 16th, 2019 Recovery Café Network Cohort 5 Training for Recovery Café Indy in Seattle, WA! |
July 14th & 15th, 2019 Recovery Café Network Training for Recovery Café Lafayette in Seattle, WA! Team Recovery Café Lafayette! Just completed the Recovery Café Network Training. Excited to build our team together!!
August 14th, 2019 Recovery Café Indy is officially open! Come and join our recovery community! We're located at Horizon House - 1033 East Washington Street, Indianapolis, IN. Our hours of operation are Wednesdays from 3:30-7:30PM and Saturdays 9AM-1PM.
September 18th, 2019
Recovery Café Indy Grand Opening! We are delighted to be celebrating during Recovery Month! Jim McClelland, Director of Drug Prevention, Treatment and Enforcement from the Governor’s Office, Jay Chaudhary, Director of the Indiana Division of Mental Health and Addiction, Brandon George, the Director of the Indiana Addiction Issues Coalition, and FSSA Secretary, Dr. Walthall are our honored guests. Light refreshments will be provided.
November 2nd, 2019 We Bloom's First Annual Fall Music & Mingle Join us for an afternoon of music and networking as we share more about We Bloom's past, present and future initiatives! Live music will be provided by The Stone Jacks.
January 21st, 2020 Grand Opening of Recovery Café Lafayette We are so excited to welcome everyone to Recovery Café Lafayette for a grand celebration of love!!
December 7th, 2019 Recovery Café Lafayette Soft Opening! Recovery Cafe Lafayette officially open. Day one is in the history books! Come join us at Bauer Community Center 330 Fountain Street, Lafayette, IN.
March 2020
Launch of Vietnam Flood Relief Campaign Thank you to all donors who gave to the COVID-19 Vietnam Response. $15,000+ was raised to help the most vulnerable people in Vietnam affected by the virus and economic fallout. Below, is the report of activities broken out by province with a short video showing the actual work completed (one video per province). This work turned your donation into connection and impact. A special thank you to our partners helping to make the impossible possible.
Fall 2020
Recovery Café Indy represents We Bloom as a Regional Recovery Hub. This project was started to help address the needs of those with substance use and mental health disorders during the COVID-19 pandemic. These Hubs will expand our ability to connect Hoosiers with mental health and substance use disorders to treatment and recovery supports through Certified Peer Recovery Coaches, Community Health Workers, and Certified Recovery Specialists, as well as help us assist individuals with mental health and substance use disorders, regardless of where someone is in their recovery journey.
September 2020
We Bloom announced as Midwest Regional Catalyst of the Recovery Café Network The Regional Catalyst program was developed to help identify and cultivate possible relationships with communities for current and new Recovery Cafes in the Midwest Region. Regional Catalysts groups are committed to growing the number of Recovery Cafés in their region, educating interested groups in the Recovery Café model and encouraging them to apply to join the Network. Interested in bringing a café to your community? Reach out to us at We Bloom today at [email protected].
October 19th, 2020 Our first-ever We Bloom Staff Retreat! First We Bloom/Recovery Café staff retreat. We needed it SO much, and this team is more than deserving!! Beyond grateful!
October 19th & 20th, 2020
Recovery Café Network Launches 7th Cohort. We Bloom welcomes Recovery Café Muncie and Recovery Café Fulton County to Indiana! Taking place for the first time virtually, the new Café leaders learned about the Recovery Café model’s approach to provide individuals the support and stability we each need to thrive during a two-day training session. The training focused especially on RCN’s Core Commitments and various Café components that make it unique among recovery centers. Each Café returned home excited to start communities of recovery support.
October 25th, 2020
Second Annual We Bloom Music & Mingle What a success We Bloom's 2020 Music & Mingle event was! We are so glad we were able to thank all of our amazing and giving donors with such a magical night. Without our gracious donors, we would not have the tools or strength to carry out our mission of empowering communities both near and far. Again, thank you to all who attended and to The Stone Jacks for playing an amazing set of music throughout the event!
February 13th, 2021
Open House for Recovery Café Fulton County Recovery Café Fulton County is open to community Members in Rochester, IN.
February 13th, 2021
Recovery Café Muncie hosts Soft Launch! Today we're having our first virtual New Member Introduction with a group of special people that we're so excited to meet! This is a "soft" opening for Recovery Cafe Muncie (due to Covid restrictions), but we're looking forward to hosting more New Member Introductions and Recovery Circles in the near future.
April 5th, 2021
We Bloom receives license to work in Vietnam! We are thrilled to announce that today we officially received our license to work in Vietnam. We are officially global!!!
April 29th, 2021
Liberty House Recovery Café opens to community members! Liberty House Recovery Cafe is under the same umbrella as Emma's House, a transitional home at 616 Maryland St. in Gary.
Emma's House, which opened about three years ago for women undergoing drug and alcohol recovery, is under Pastor Michael Pirtle's directorship. |
May 30th, 2021
Liberty House Recovery Café Grand Opening Located In a shopping mall at 5490 Broadway in Merrillville, Liberty House Recovery Café is open to Members from 1-5PM on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays.
July 14th, 2021
Recovery Café Muncie Soft Opening There are staple activities though at the recovery hubs, including recovery group circles, a school for recovery and free meals. Muncie's downtown Recovery Café hub officially opened its doors in July and currently has hours 11 a.m.-3 p.m., Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays in the basement of Commonway Church, 201 E. Charles St., with a free meal served at noon.
July 22nd, 2021
Recovery Café Fulton County Grand Opening What a joy it was to celebrate the love and persistence of Recovery Cafe Fulton County (opened during the pandemic) with a fabulous visit by Director Doug Huntsinger from the Governor’s Office. Awesome work RCFC team!!!!
August 18th, 2021
Recovery Café Muncie Grand Opening As Midwest Regional Catalyst for the Recovery Cafe Network, we are BEYOND thrilled to see our newest Recovery Cafe open it's doors! Way to go Recovery Cafe Muncie!! The grand opening is Wednesday, August 18th at 1PM - 201 E. Charles St. Come join us!
October 25th & 26th, 2021
Recovery Café Network Cohort 9 Launch! Introducing… FIVE new Indiana Recovery Cafes! Welcome Recovery Café Fort Wayne, Recovery Café Hancock County, Recovery Café Kokomo, Recovery Café Terre Haute and The People's Circle Recovery Café!
November 4th, 2021
We Bloom awarded $280,000 from Governor's Harm Reduction Street Outreach Grant! Governor Eric Holcomb announced the state will fund a $1.7 million implementation of statewide Harm Reduction Street Outreach (HRSO) teams to reach Hoosiers at-risk of drug overdose. The initiative is a combined effort of the Indiana Family and Social Services Administration and the Indiana Department of Health. We Bloom was awarded funds to oversee the implementation of two HRSO teams on behalf of Recovery Café Indy (Indianapolis) and Recovery Café Fulton County (Rochester).